November Pumpkin Giveaway
Author: cghill
Author: cghill
Last Saturday, member of our 3 Sisters Team, Derrick, coordinated a pumpkin giveaway at the Meskwaki Settlement. We borrowed a truck from ISU, loaded it up with a full pallet of produce, and traveled out to the settlement that morning. Being mindful of Covid, we offered for people to drive up so we could place pumpkins in the back of people’s cars to minimize contact. Over the course of a few hours, approximately 20 groups of people stopped by to collect free pumpkins. Along with the pumpkins, we distributed an information sheet detailing the variety’s background, how to cook with it, and how to save seed and replant (pictured below). Of the 100 pumpkins we brought out, we were able to give away approximately 70 of them. Overall, the produce was very well received, and many people seemed interested in saving seed and growing the variety next season!